New In Stock, Solax Genie Plus

The Solax Genie Plus is new in stock and now available for demonstrations and orders. The Genie+ has 136kg weight capacity and comes standard with a lightweight Lithium battery (Up to 15km on a single charge). The Genie folds into a very compact and easy to manage...

NDIS funded Freedom Chair DE08

Nikki is beaming following the delivery of her NDIS funded Freedom Chair DE08. She can now get around uni very easily and it’s very easy for her carer to lift in and out of the car.    

5 Reason To Buy a Freedom Chair DE08

1) Easily Splits – Separates into Two parts for Easy lifting into any car. 2) Lightweight – The Freedom Chair DE08’s heaviest part when separated is only 14kgs. 3) Folds In Seconds – The Freedom Chair folds easily in one smooth movement. 4)...

The NDIS Are Ironing Out The Bugs In Their Systems

The NDIS are ironing out the bugs in their systems and it is now easier than ever to arrange a Freedom Chair Lightweight, Folding Electric Wheelchair through your plan. Contact your Occupational Therapist or Physio Therapist to arrange a trial.

Melbourne Disability Expo

Melbourne Disability Expo The Melbourne Disability Expo was held on the 16th and 17th November and our display stand were one of the most popular. We had lots of people trying out our Freedom Chair folding wheelchair range and our Luggie and Solax folding scooters....